From the sessions 03-06 we had the Free Flow Retreat which is a 2-day workshop that may help us find first ideas and directions for out bachelor thesis.

Our first assignment for the retreat was to bring three books from the library that inspired us, but only by the cover of the book, and not by searching for specific topics. We then discussed our books in smaller groups and decided on what could be relevant topics to keep on tracking.

For the rest of the retreat we had different exercises that helped us define our directions that we want to go with our thesis. For me the exchange with the other students and especially mentors helped me get a focus on specific areas, since I was a little lost with too broad and unspecific topics at the beginning. I knew that I wanted to do something considering the discrimination of minorities in society, but didn't really know where to go with that.

During the different exchanges I came to the conclusion that the biases in coded algorithms and AIs are quite a relevant and contemporary problem of our society and I'd like to dive further into this topic to come up with an exciting thesis.


